Play Station
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Children’s play center Atlas Kids is the only one of its kind in the city of Plovdiv. The innovative approach of Atlas Kids offers an alternative to the way children spend their free time in an ecologically clean space in an urban environment. The base of “Atlas Kids” is located on 220 square meters, created from natural wood, covered with natural oils and is suitable for children from one year to teenage age.
“Atlas Kids” Children’s Center pays great attention to creative workshops developing children’s hand motor skills. The fun workshops aim to stimulate children’s endless imagination and creativity through creative challenges.
A varied weekly program offers our guests the opportunity to upgrade themselves in the form of games in a special space created for creative activities. The team of young and experienced animators know how to make children comfortable to embark on a creative adventure in a pleasant and fun atmosphere. The safety and security of children is our priority.
Atlas Kids offers hourly babysitting for your children. With individual attention, our experienced animators will help the children to spend their time to the fullest while providing you with the necessary free time.
Count on our team to make it easy for you and make your every holiday an unforgettable memory. With a personal attention, special attitude to the guests and their requirements, we help them organize a birthday, baptism, Christmas celebration or even the end of the school year. With excellent animation, festive cake and themed delicious catering made on site, we will transport you to the world that your child imagines. Atlas Kids has a capacity of 50 children and, if desired, can be provided especially for you.
While your kids are having fun, we have a special offer for you parents.
At the ATLAS restaurant we offer a varied menu with delicious dishes and drinks. Our chefs take care of every detail of taste delight to make your lunch or dinner unforgettable.
If you’re more into wines and tastings, Cork&Fork is the place for you. There you will have the opportunity to enjoy fine wines and gourmet dishes, combined with a unique wine experience.
Целите пред нас:
1.Бързина на мислене | Бързо възприемане и обработване големи количества информация.
2.Концентрация и внимание | Фокусиране винаги върху най-важното.
3.Креативност, плавност и гъвкавост на мисълта | Oригиналност и любознателност.
4.Аналитично и образно мислене | Ефикасно усвояване на новата информация.
В резултат:
5.Повишаване на успеха в училище | Самочуствието и лидерските умения.
6.Учене с лекота | Усвояване на чужди езици.
7.Повишава се желанието за учене на нови неща.
Предимства на методологията „Хелен Дорон“ :
1. Естествено изграждане на двуезичие от ранна възраст
2. Развитие на социални, комуникативни и емоционални умения
3. Създаване на любов към ученето и новите знания
4. Увереност в собствените умения
5. Развитие на логическо, математическо и творческо мислене
6. Внимание към детайла и работа в екип